Friday, May 30, 2008

New Dunkin' Donut Campaign

Since Dunkin' Donut caved to the right wing xenophobic fringe over a little neck scarf with some fringe, I thought they may need a new ad campaign to replace the Rachel Ray campaign they pulled, so I thought I would try to help them out. Below are my suggestions for some ad campaign slogans around which to build an ad campaign. Now, I am not an advertising professional, so I don't know how good these are, but they are my contribution.

Dunkin’ Donuts: Glazed and confused
Dunkin’ Donuts: We have holes in our head
Dunkin’ Donuts: Too sweet for terrorist
Dunkin’ Donuts: We will blow you away but won’t blow you up.
Dunkin’ Donuts: We cater your party and your prejudices.

Dunkin' Donuts: The choice of baseball-cap-wearing Americans; not Arabic-headscarf-wearing Jihadist.

Ok, if I need to leave this to the professionals just tell me. If you have a better campaign ideal for Dunkin' Donuts, lets hear it.

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